
Finally we have some dates around the possible endorsement of the new TAE Training and Education Training Package which will include the new version of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40115). [Update: Please note some information in this article is now out of date but maintained for information purposes and interest]

Initially Innovation & Business Skills Australia (IBSA) the former Industry Skills Council (ISC) for the TAE Training Package were sending the new Certificate IV to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) in June 2015, then for consideration at the September 1 meeting. Unfortunately this didn't happen so we're still unsure of an exact release date (neither is anyone else). We can still assume the qualification will be endorsed at some stage before the end of the year though.

The release of a new version of this national Trainer and Assessor qualification usually brings with it controversy, confusion and plenty of myths and misconceptions. While nothing is final until a Training Package is endorsed and goes up on  we'd like to take this early opportunity to clarify a few general things that usually worry people when a new version of this Cert IV is released.

Do I have to upgrade to the new Certificate IV TAE?

The release of a new version of a qualification does not mean a previous version becomes invalid. All qualifications get reviewed and updated, it's normal. It's how Vocational Education and Training in Australia ensures it is staying responsive to current industry requirements.

A common example we use is that of an accountant or a hairdresser who got qualified and started working in their profession in 1989. Have there been new versions of accounting and hairdressing qualifications since 1989? Yes. Did the accountant or hairdresser have to go and obtain each new qualification when it was released to keep working? No. Would it be prudent for an accountant or hairdresser to maintain the currency and validity of their 1989 qualification by continuing professional development and training? Yes!

It's like that for trainers and assessors. Of course, some training providers offering the new qualification will use scare tactics along the lines of "YOU WILL BE NON-COMPLIANT IF YOU DO NOT UPGRADE NOW!" This is obviously an effective way to lure in new business. This is also how rumours start. It only takes a few misinformed HR or Training Department managers to see advertising like this to start such rumours. This is not true because the TAE40116 has not been endorsed.

* Of course there are situations where your employer, whether misinformed or not, may simply wish for you to have the latest version of the qualification. This may be due to organisational policy or requirements, professional development reasons, or that the new qualification best fits with the organisation's objectives. If this is the case, keep your job, just get the new qualification! Trainer and Assessor qualification requirements can be found here:

What's the Difference between the TAE40110 and the TAE40116?

The main changes in the new Certificate IV are:

  • A new entry requirement requiring people doing the Certificate IV to have a vocational qualification or experience. Basically, you need to be skilled, experienced and/or qualified in a certain profession so that you can train and assess it! (Most people meet this requirement unless they're straight out of school and holding a Certificate IV is pretty pointless without this any way).
  • There are now 9 core and 1 elective instead of 7 core and 3 elective units because:
    • It includes TAELLN411 Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills as a core unit instead of an elective
    • It includes TAEASS501 Design and develop assessment tools as a core unit instead of an elective
  • A requirement that candidates are assessed delivering training to at least 8 people in the unit TAEDEL401 Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning
  • Assessors of this qualification must hold either a TAE50111/TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training or TAE50211/TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development, or be able to demonstrate equivalent competencies
  • The structure and style of the units and qualifications now meet the new Standards for Training Packages.

Consultation Process

We participated heavily in the development, consultation and review process of the new TAE40116 qualification with the Industry Skills Council and Skills Services Organisation which puts us in an advantageous position to more intimately understand the requirements of this qualification

I already hold the TAE40110 and want to obtain the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. What will this involve?

If you have fairly recent experience as a trainer and assessor within the VET sector, you will probably have the skills and knowledge to demonstrate competence in most parts of the new qualification with just a few small gaps. Fortunately, the differences between the two qualifications are minimal enough to not have too great of an impact.

As always, we are a highly skilled, knowledgeable and friendly team here at SAVE Training and we are very keen to answer any questions you might have about the any qualifications so please call 1300 66 0609 or email us.