
The new Unique Student Identifier (USI) will be be implemented into the Australian VET sector from the 1st of January 2014. The USI will be the first of a range of VET reforms that will help to provide a more accurate and comprehensive system of student training achievements.

According to the Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education “Students, training organisations, employers, and governments will all benefit from the USI in some way. The USI is a component of the VET Reform Agenda and will assist the continued development of transparency in the VET sector. It will build a consistent, national system for the storage of training information and will assist in quality assurance and future growth.”

At present, it is not possible for students to get a complete record of their VET course history online from one place. The USI will mean that each student undertaking a nationally recognised course will be able to access their records of enrolment and achievements online. The USI system will enable students to get a full transcript of all of the accredited VET training they have undertaken since 1 January 2014. Students undertaking a nationally recognised course from the 1st of January 2014 will need a USI. Students can apply for a USI from October 2013. The USI must be provided to their training provider before the person can receive a statement of attainment or qualification after January 2014.

Having assisted many students with claims for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), we can definitively say that the USI will be immensely beneficial. It’s not uncommon to accidentally misplace your academic transcripts and paperwork confirming exactly what units have been undertaken in the past and this can negatively affect future claims for recognition.

It will be a requirement under Commonwealth legislation for all Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) to ensure students have a USI before they issue a qualification. While RTOs don’t have to apply for a USI on behalf of their students, they can if they wish through the USI ICT system.
For more information on the USI, email the USI Taskforce at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..