
SAVE Training Evolved: Exciting announcement for 2020


Over the past decade SAVE Training has had the priveledge of serving thousands of remarkable people and organisations across Australia and around the world. Now it's time for us to evolve.

Introducing Accellier Education in 2020.

The Danger of Short Courses

Cheap short courses for TAE Certificate IV in Training and Assessment are everywhere, as well as in other industries.

Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) Replaced

As part of Australian VET reforms a new model for developing and maintaining training packages came into effect on the 1st of January 2016. The change is designed to put industry at the centre of training package development. The new Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) will work closely with Skills Service Organisations (SSOs) and Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) to develop training packages to closely align them with current industry practices and people. That way people who actually work in industry can have more of a say in what’s going into these training packages. This will hopefully create training which has better outcomes that match employer expectations.

Here is a brief rundown of the new system and the role of each committee/organisation:

Picture of Amanda Meyer of Rewards DramaLove Learning Podcast: What educators can learn from actors.

Did you know SAVE Training has a Podcast? It's called Love Learning and is designed to distill the wisdom, experience, knowledge and skills from highly successful people who can help educators and other professionals grow and learn.

In this episode I speak with Amanda Meyer who is one of those people you meet with such enthusiasm and passion for what they do, it's infectious. I wanted to speak with Amanda because she's onto something exciting that I've long held the belief can give trainers, teachers and presenters a real edge - acting skills.

Finally we have some dates around the possible endorsement of the new TAE Training and Education Training Package which will include the new version of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40115). [Update: Please note some information in this article is now out of date but maintained for information purposes and interest]

Initially Innovation & Business Skills Australia (IBSA) the former Industry Skills Council (ISC) for the TAE Training Package were sending the new Certificate IV to the Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) in June 2015, then for consideration at the September 1 meeting. Unfortunately this didn't happen so we're still unsure of an exact release date (neither is anyone else). We can still assume the qualification will be endorsed at some stage before the end of the year though.

The release of a new version of this national Trainer and Assessor qualification usually brings with it controversy, confusion and plenty of myths and misconceptions. While nothing is final until a Training Package is endorsed and goes up on  we'd like to take this early opportunity to clarify a few general things that usually worry people when a new version of this Cert IV is released.

Do I have to upgrade to the new Certificate IV TAE?